We explain features of Soft Material Liquid AFM Simulator LiqAFM in this page.
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LiqAFM: Soft Material Liquid AFM Simulator

The features are ...

AFM experiment under the liquid environment is simulated.

It is possible to reproduce vibration of a cantilever in liquid and to calculate resonance frequency.

It is also possible to simulate contact between a tip and a sample with viscoelasticity and to calculate a force curve.

Solver LiqAFM reproduces motion of a tip and a sample in a fixed point on the sample surface.

So it is not necessary to prepare shape data of the sample on LiqAFM.

LiqAFM doesn't have a function to simulate AFM imaging of a sample in liquid.

Vibration of a cantilver or adhesion of a tip to a sample with viscoelasticity in only one point of the surface sample is simulated.

Polymers, soft matters, organic compounds, metals, semiconductors, and inorganic compounds can be used as a sample.

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