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SPM simulator: organic compounds (012a)

In this page, we introduce software for preapring strucural data of oraganic compounds, high polymers, and soft matters to you.
The first one is SetModel, which is suitable for constructing structural data of carbon nanotubes, graphene sheets, and so on.
The second one is ChemSketch, which has a function of molecular geometry optimization for organic compounds.

In this page, we suppose that the sample material is an organic compound.
However, we can apply a method discussed here to high polymers, soft matters, metals, semiconductors, and non-organic compounds, as well.

To prepare structural data of tips and sample materials, we introduce the following software to you:

SetModel: constructing structural data of models consisting of atoms

The SetModel can prepare structural data of surfaces of crystals.
It is suitable for constructing structural data of plates of metals, as well.

ChemSketch: constructing structural data of organic compounds

The ChemSketch prepares structural data of molecules of organic compounds.
The ChemSketch is provided as freeware and you can download it here.

To transform structural data of chemical materials constructed by the ChemSketch into other file formats, you can use OpenBabel.
The OpenBabel is provided as freeware and you can download it here.

Using both the SetModel and the ChemSketch, you can generate the following structural data for sample materials.

Structural data of a molecule of coronene on a surface of Au(111).

If you cannot find a simulation tool that you want to perform from the above list, please contact us by e-mail.
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