Choosing a type of a sample material
Data processing
Characteristic length Liquid environment or vacuum environment? Computation time Finishing the solver selection

SPM simulator: high polymers and soft matters (011)

In this page, we set computation time for the simulation.
Please choose between a simulation in less than one minute and a simulation in 30 minutes around.
If you prefer the faster one, we neglect physical interaction between the tip and the sample and obtain the AFM image using only geometrical information and relative positional relationship between the tip and the sample.
If you prefer the slower one, we can simulate deformation of the tip and the sample with considering the van der Waals force.

In this page, we suppose that the sample material is a high polymer or a soft matter.
However, we can apply a method discussed here to organic compounds, metals, semiconductors, and non-organic compounds, as well.

How long do you take to perform the simulation?

Less than one minute (You want to finish the simulation as soon as possible.)

Around 30 minutes (You can spend long time on a precise simulation.)

If you cannot find a simulation that you want to perform from the above list, please contact us by e-mail.
When you send an e-mail to us, a string of characters is put into a subject of the e-mail automatically.
This string tells us at which stage of the simulation you have a trouble.
