The screen for editing the project file of the DFTB (sts01_si001_3x1h)

[1] Please input a filename of the structural data of the tip.

[2] Please input coordinates of the position for the tip at initial time.
x= [angstrom]
y= [angstrom]
z= [angstrom]

[3] Please input a filename of the structural data of the sample material.

[4] Please input coordinates of the position for the sample material at initial time.
x= [angstrom]
y= [angstrom]
z= [angstrom]

[5] Please input the minimum value and the maximum value of bias voltage of the tip.
Please input the number of segments into which the range of the bias voltage is divided.
(We assume that voltage of the sample material is zero.)
the minimum value [V]

the maximum value [V]

the number of segments [dimensionless]

[6] Please input the number of k points for calculating the state of electrons in the sample material.
the number of k points [dimensionless]

[7] Please input the vectors of the unit cell in the lattice, a, b, and c.
(Please let the vector c be perpendicular to the vectors a and b and let a norm of vector c be five to ten times as long as those of vectors a and b.)
vector a
X= [angstrom]
Y= [angstrom]
Z= [angstrom]

vector b
X= [angstrom]
Y= [angstrom]
Z= [angstrom]

vector c
X= [angstrom]
Y= [angstrom]
Z= [angstrom]

[8] Please input the number of threads for parallel computing according to the OpenMP.
the number of threads

If you have written all items needed for the simulation, please click the "OK" button.
Then, the project file for the SPM simulator is automatically generated in a new window.
If you click the button put at the top of the window, you can download a new generated project file as "".

In the above screen for editing the project file, for the sake of simplicity, we let you not rotate the tip and the sample in the three-dimensional space.
If you want to rotate the tip and the sample in the three-dimensional space, please launch the SPM simulator and let it import the project file and set angles of the three-dimensional rotation through the GUI.