The digital processor for experimental image data: Analyzer

Performing the neural network learning for an AFM image of a collagen molecule, and removing artifacts of the image caused by defects of a broken double tip

A movie file that explains how to input configuration parameters and how to start the neural network learning
A movie file that explains how to utilize results of the neural network learning and how to analyze the SPM image with them

A document that explains how to use the Analyzer (an Excel file)

Original image data of the SPM experiment processed with the neural network learning

A file that contains results of the neural network learning and a file of new image data modified with them

If you have any questions about how to use the Analyzer, please contact us by e-mail.
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If you want to consult with us about digital processing of experimental data of the SPM image, our engineer can help you with consulting fee.
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If you want to let us process digital images of the SPM experiments for you, our engineer can help you with charging a rate.
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